Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness

058: New Levels, New Lessons

July 10, 2020 Val Petty and Jennifer Hawkins

In the middle of a pandemic, cultural revolution, and whatever else 2020 brings, are you wondering what's next for you? As life challenges you to leave the illusion of safety in the "normal" and step out in courage, you may stop along the way and feel like you're back where you started. But if you take a closer look, you may realize that you have been growing in alignment with your values and blossoming into everything you're meant to become and do. You may even decide that you enjoy what you're becoming even more than you ever wanted those goals you set out for.

If you're still in the process of defining your values and calibrating yourself to be aligned and measure progress with them, Neroli essential oil is a great tool to have on the journey of learning to honor yourself and grow into all that you're meant to be!