Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness

052: Streamline Your Life- Clearing Chemical Clutter

March 20, 2020 Val Petty and Jennifer Hawkins

Substances used in, on or around your body can have a negative or profoundly positive impact on your mood and emotional wellness.  Mind, heart and body coherence is how your thoughts, emotions, and physiology work together.  Synthetic or toxic substances do not work with, but actually, impede the proper connections and communication between cells and interrupt this coherence. In this episode, we break this topic down even more for you and give our suggestions for cleaning up the chemical clutter in your life.

If you want to purchase the highest quality essential oils that are proven effective and safe,
email us at and we'll be in contact within 24 hours to help you choose or order what fits your needs and help you get the best price.

Recipes from I Am Fabulous, by Desiree Mangandog

If you want to purchase the highest quality essential oils that are proven effective and safe,
email us at and we'll be in contact within 24 hours to help you choose or order what fits your needs and help you get the best price.