Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness
met·a·mor·pho·sis: a change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one, by natural or supernatural means. Everyone that has had a vision for their life has gotten stuck at some point and questioned themselves. Am I doing it right? Is this even working? Is it even worth it? Val and Jen, doTERRA leaders, talk about overcoming and breaking through the guilt of "shoulds" and the creativity killer called comparison as they journey on in their business toward purpose, calling, and success. Whether you're a stay at home mom (or dad), an entrepreneur, in ministry, or whatever... and you find yourself asking those questions... listen in for some really fun and out of the box tips to turn it all around, find your path back to loving what you do, and watching everything fall into alignment and work out in crazy beautiful ways.
Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness
039: Chaos Hides Truth- Reflection Questions to Uncover Your Best Year Yet in 2020
Val Petty and Jennifer Hawkins
As we grow, we will uncover new areas where chaos might have served its purpose for a time, but order and clarity will be necessary for the next phase of growth. In this episode we walk you through reflection questions to uncover the areas of your life that are sure to grow and expand in 2020, as well as a yummy new diffuser blend to release the regret and disappointments 2019 may have brought us, as any year does. It's time to reset and begin again.
Visit https://www.valandjen.com/shop for a copy of the reflection questions.